The New Frontier Of Growth


What We Do

Steel Operations

Since Steel Dynamics began producing hot roll steel coils in 1996, our steel operations platform has grown to include flat roll, structural, rail, engineered special bar, merchant bar, and specialty shapes.

Steel Fabrication

Steel Dynamics, Inc. fabrication operations, New Millennium Building Systems, evolved from the company’s first fabrication plant in 2000 in Butler, Indiana. Since then, the company has added five fabrication plants that are strategically located and provide fabricated steel products to our customers in the United States.

Metals Recycling

Steel Dynamics, Inc. acquired OmniSource in 2007. This wholly-owned subsidiary is one of the largest processors and distributors of secondary metals in North America.

What We Do

Steel Operations

Since Steel Dynamics began producing hot roll steel coils in 1996, our steel operations platform has grown to include flat roll, structural, rail, engineered special bar, merchant bar, and specialty shapes.

Steel Fabrications

Steel Dynamics, Inc. fabrication operations, New Millennium Building Systems, evolved from the company’s first fabrication plant in 2000 in Butler, Indiana. Since then, the company has added five fabrication plants that are strategically located and provide fabricated steel products to our customers in the United States.

Metals Recycling

Steel Dynamics, Inc. acquired OmniSource in 2007. This wholly-owned subsidiary is one of the largest processors and distributors of secondary metals in North America.

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Stay connected with Steel Dynamics at our headquarters and our respective groups.
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